Hi there!
Nice to see you here!
I share my jewelry and handcraft exhibition (at my school) with pics and texts now here now, because can't do it on the other way. Will do the Finnish one after this.
It's called
" This exbition is part of the vocational examination of an artisan. I chose for the exhibition the pieces of jewelry and handcrafted things which I have made throughout the years and currently in Kangas Creative Campus.
Colours the Ambiguous World - because I hope the colours will bring joy to this dark and grey times we are living through now in this distressing world. I have made jewelry now for ten years using the name touch of the Metal, so I thought to merge them together now.
I graduated as a stone smith artisan in 1995. That school concentrated on large stones and rocks, but we made some jewelry too. At my internship I cut some stones for the foundation of the Kärkistensalmi Bridge, which a very well-known bridge here in central Finland. Never done any stonework as my work though.
Then fast forward to the year of 2010.
Then I found Linda Jones' book The Complete Guide to Wire & Beaded Jewellery at a bookstore. That was it! I got very excited about wrapping the wire. Back then, I lived in a small flat in Helsinki. After my hype had started, my kitchen table was bursting full of the wires, lots of many kinds of beads and stones and various tools, and I made all my jewelry on that table until I moved back to Jyväskylä, my hometown. Now that same table is my craft table.
I made pieces of jewelry for myself and as gifts. I also sold some of them at different kinds of fairs. I have an Etsy Shop too, but it's on the hiatus now.
Another English woman, Abby Hook, with her book, Wirejewelry Masterclass, inspired me a lot too to make more wirejewelry pieces.
I also found a lot of tutorials on Youtube. I spotted Christina Larsen's CSLDesigns wirejewelry tutorials there. She's making wirejewelry using many kinds of techniques. She has published a book also, it's called Kumihimo Wirework Made Easy. And because of her, I found kumihimo, the Japanese braiding technique for threads.
In the autumn of 2019 I started the studies of the vocational examination of artisan here in Kangas Creative Campus. This place called Kangas has been a paper factory before, and it's a factory where my father worked around 30 years.
Here in Kangas I discovered the very old tablet weaving technique. I did combined it with my pieces of jewelry and accessories too. We also had The Creative Circular Economy courses, and after that I have been using recycled materials and environmentally sustainable materials for my jewelry.
I participated also in the exhibition of Creative Circular Economy project with my #MetallinKosketusGoesKiertotalous (TouchOfTheMetalGoesCircularEconomy in English) jewelry collection.
Then came corona!
When Finland and world shut down because of the pandemic in the spring - I started to crochet! I absolutely fell in love with the colours of the different yarns and colour combinations! I have already tested the crochetingfor my circular economy pieces and am familiar with crocheting for 30 years or more years.
Next I discovered the crocheting tutorials on Youtube! Learned different kinds of crocheting techniques, which I have not known before. I got very excited about the granny squares, which were, strangely enough, not familiar to me from crocheting previously.
I have coloured mandalas on the adults colouring books, so they were familiar to me earlier. Now I wanted to crochet those rounds using colourful yarns.
Spotted also the funny and inspirational #JaydaInStitches videos on Youtube! Those videos have really spared me during corona times. Loving them!
Pinterest is also a treasure for the crocheters.
I have crocheted and will crochet the pieces of jewelry, decorations and accessories.
And will crochet the mandalas too, for example, for the birthday gifts for frieds who will have their round number birthdays.
- Mandalas on the exhibition and as my crafted things are only colourful and crocheted rounds on this matter
- Touch of the Metal as a name comes from my liking of the metallic feeling. I also like metal sounds like the one which comes when the sword is taken out of its scabbard
- Thought about changing the name Touch of the Metal to another name when started to crochet more. But I do use metallic hooks when crocheting and I often combine metal parts to my works as well.
That is why, the touch of the metal.
For the better and colourful future, Jaana Mörsky
If you are interested in some pieces of jewelry or the mandalas,
please contact me in social media or using email:
Instagram: @jkristm
Twitter: @jaanakris
Peppermint Lolly (a granny circle)
We have hope, haven't we
The wheels just keep on rolling
Yeah, it will finally arrive!
Cells and circles |
The wirejewelry section
Earrings on the rock
The kumihimo section
The circular economy section
A bracelet which is made of hemp yarn, with the tablet weaving technique, a dorset button
The crocheted jewelry section
Crocheted earrings with the recycled rings, golden coloured findings
Crocheted granny retangle earrings with silverplated wire and amethyst beads
Crocheted granny retangle ring
Thank you for seeing my exhibition!
I hope you enjoyed it!
If you have anything to ask or to comment, please use the comment section below.
I would love it!
Thank you so much Linda Jones, Abby Hook, Christina Larsen and dear Jayda!
And my dear friend, who helped me!
Stay safe and a have great day!
- Jaana